
8 x 12 inch Canvas Print

A perfect personalised gift. You can customise your canvas by sending us your artwork for us to print, or at just £15.00 you can let us know what you are after and we can design it for you. Call us for more size options as you can have your canvas custom made.


Online Design

Artwork *

Artwork File

For files larger than 64mb or to upload multiple files, please follow the instructions that will be sent to you via email once your order is complete. For artwork templates and guidelines please refer to the artwork tab below.

Next Day Delivery

A4 Canvas Print

At The Exhibition Business, the canvas print material we use is cotton based. As well as printing on A4, A3, A2, A1 and A0 canvas, we can print on custom sizes, just give us a call to discuss the options on 020 8310 9190. We provide an excellent quality print and material for all canvas products.

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Product Name8 x 12 inch Canvas Print
Product Category,
Product Weight1kg
Delivery / AvailabilityNext Day Delivery